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Ukrainian Pop Music (Recordings)

The Luna Band: "Listen ... and you will hear". During the course of their thirty year run from 1987-2017, New Jersey based "Luna", under the direction of Oles Kuzyszyn, was one of the top Ukrainian dance bands in the United States. Released in 2001, "Listen ... and you will hear" is "Luna's" only commercial recording. The CD demonstrates "Luna's" signature penchant for infusing subtle elements of jazz, Latin and country into Ukrainian folk and pop songs. 

The Luna Band: "Listen ... and you will hear" is available as a physical CD, and as a digital download from a number of digital service providers.

Price for physical CD - $9.95 

Послухай, почуєш (Listen, and you will hear)
Карі очі, чорні брови (Dark eyes, black eyebrows)
Люби мене (Love me)
Полечко (The unplowed field)
Прийде ще час (The time will come)
Черемшина (The bird-cherry)
Сидить дівча (The girl sits by the water)
Де синії гори (Where the blue mountains are)
Танґо без відповіді (Tango without a reply)
Човен хитається (The rowboat is rocking)
Іванку, Іванку (Oh Johnny, Johnny)
Намистечко (The Necklace)
Відлуння твоїх кроків (The echo of your footsteps)
Сонце згасло (The sun has set)
Послухай, почуєш - епілог (Listen, and you will hear - epilogue)

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Danchyk: "Rovesnyky". Born to a Ukrainian father and Belarusian mother, by 1978, at only twenty years of age, Danchyk quickly ascended to superstar status in Belarus. Although he recorded four albums of Belarusian songs, "Rovesnyky" is Danchyk's only Ukrainian language recording. Released in 1991, the album showcases Danchyk's velvety tenor voice, against the backdrop of Oles Kuzyszyn's well-crafted arrangements. "Rovesnyky" features a musical bouquet of Ukrainian folk songs and standards. 

Danchyk: "Rovesnyky" is only available as a digital download.

Чи знаєш ти? (Do you know)
Берізка (The birch tree)
Галичаночка (The girl from Halychyna)
Ровесники (Coevals)
Там, де Ятрань круто в’ється (The winding Yatran')
Ой, на горі білий камінь (A white stone on the hill)
Києве мій (My Kyiv)
Я твоє крило (I am your wing)
Ой, вербиченько (Oh, willow tree)
Ходімо кохана у ліс (Darling, let us stroll through the woods)
Молоді ми (We are young)
При ватрі (At the campfire)

To download Danchyk: "Rovesnyky",
please click on any of the links below

To audition tracks from Danchyk: "Rovesnyky", please click on the icon below

Iskra: "Iskra". During the course of their nine year run from 1977-1986, New York based "Iskra" was one of the most popular and influential Ukrainian dance bands in North America. Released in 1979, "Iskra's" self-titled debut album served as a calling card for the music one might hear at an "Iskra" dance (zabava), wedding or stage show appearance. Ranging from sentimental post World War II standards such as "Hey Ha", by Ukrainian tango king Bohdan Wesolowsky, to 60's pop hit "Try Trembity", by legendary Ukrainian composer Myroslav Skoryk, the album showcases "Iskra's" signature three part harmony vocals and distinctive interpretations of Ukrainian folk songs, as well as three original compositions by band members Oles Kuzyszyn ("Ty Moya" and "Sumerk") and Jaroslaw Palylyk ("Spomyny Lita"). 

Iskra: "Iskra" is only available as a digital download.

Волиняночка / Коло твого двору (The girl from Volyn' / By your homestead)
Ой гарна я, гарна (I am so pretty)
Гей-га / Лети тужлива пісне (Hey-ha / Fly, my lonely song)
Ти моя (You are mine)
Перша любов (First love)
Спомини літа (Memories of summer)
Сумерк (Dusk)
Прелюд / Гей, там на Кубані (Kuban' prelude / Hey, there on the Kuban')
Ти рвала ожину / В альбом (You were picking blackberries / For the album)
Прелюд / Три трембіти (Trembita prelude / Three trembitas)
Очі сині (Blue eyes)
Люблю простори (I love the expanses)

To download Iskra: "Iskra",
please click on any of the icons below

To audition tracks from Iskra: "Iskra", please click on the icon below

Iskra: "Zustrich Svitanku". "Zustrich Svitanku" ("Greeting the Dawn"), "Iskra's" second album, was released in 1981, and demonstrated the band's desire to push the envelope and experiment, particularly in their markedly increased deployment of synthesizers and special effects (as in "Kozak", "Mamo" and "Liudy"). The signature three part harmony vocal style was still a staple of "Iskra's" sound, as were the distinctive Ukrainian folk song arrangements that contributed to the band's initial success and notoriety. "Zustrich Svitanku" featured four original compositions by band members Oles Kuzyszyn ("Iskra", "Daj Meni Sertse" and "Liudy") and Jaroslaw Palylyk ("Kozak"). 

Iskra: "Zustrich Svitanku" is only available as a digital download.

В'язанка народних пісень (Ukrainian folksong medley)
Подаруй мені ніжність (Give me tenderness)
Маруся гарна / Іванку (Pretty Mary / Johnny)
Не шуми калинонько (Don't rustle, guelder-rose)
Цвіте терен (The blackthorn blooms)
Козак (Kozak)
Іскра (The Spark)
Прелюд / Дай мені серце (Prelude / Give me your heart)
Прелюд / Ой, Хмелю (Khmeliu prelude / Oh, Khmel')
Мамо (Mother)
Люди (People)

To download Iskra: "Zustrich Svitanku",
please click on any of the icons below

To audition tracks from Iskra: "Zustrich Svitanku", please click on the icon below

Iskra: "Mandrivka Po Ukrayini". Released in 1983, the EP "Mandrivka Po Ukrayini" ("A Journey Through Ukraine"), was "Iskra's" final studio recording, and in some ways, the band's most ambitious recording project. "Iskra" takes its listeners on a musical journey through the various regions of Ukraine. Original narration describes each of the regions, highlighted by music typical or evocative of the region in question. The musical journey occurs in two continuous parts, corresponding to the two sides of the EP. Oles Kuzyszyn's original composition "Vkrayino Moya Charivna" ("My Enchanting Ukraine") serves as the opening and closing theme for the project.

Iskra: "A Journey Through Ukraine" is only available as a digital download.

Iskra: "A Journey Through Ukraine - Part One

Пролог (Prologue)
Вкраїно моя, чарівна (My Enchanting Ukraine)
Київщина - інтерлюд (The Kyiv region - interlude)
Києве мій (My Kyiv)
Волинь - інтерлюд (The Volyn region - interlude)
Волиняночка (The girl from Volyn')
Полтавщина - інтерлюд (The Poltava region - interlude)
Полтавський рушничок (The embroidery from Poltava)
Галичина - інтерлюд (The Halychyna region - interlude)
Галичаночка (The girl from Halychyna)

Iskra: "A Journey Through Ukraine" - Part Two

Лемківщина - прелюд (The Lemko region - prelude)
Тече вода каламутна (The muddy waters flow)
Буковина - інтерлюд (The Bukovyna region - interlude)
Червона рута (The red rue)
Полісся - інтерлюд (The Polissia region - interlude)
Моє Полісся голубе (My blue Polissia)
Карпатські гори - інтерлюд (The Carpathian mountains - interlude)
Рідні Карпати (Dear Carpathian mountains)
Вкраїно моя, чарівна - епілог (My Enchanting Ukraine - epilogue)

To download Iskra: "A Journey Through Ukraine",
please click on any of the icons below

To audition tracks from Iskra: "A Journey Through Ukraine",
please click on the icon below