Duma Music, Inc.  

Music publishers and distributors since 1985

Ukrainian Pop Music

The Songs of Volodymyr Ivasiuk - 15 Selected Songs. 
In the 1970's, Ivasiuk was the most popular songwriter both in his native Ukraine and in Ukrainian communities abroad. His songs were recorded and performed by the leading Ukrainian pop artists of the day, including Sofia Rotaru, Smeritchka and Vatra, saturated Ukrainian radio and television airwaves, and were included in several film scores. His unique style featured a skillful synthesis of Bukovinian folk elements and contemporary trends in the pop music of the time, and is characterized by impulsive rhythmic patterns, a rapidly changing harmonic structure and sweeping vocal lines tinged with Bukovinian folk motifs. In 1979, Ivasiuk died tragically and violently at the age of 30, while at the pinnacle of his blossoming career. Sources from his native country attribute his murder to an apparent fallout with government authorities. In this folio, Duma Music has published 15 of Ivasiuk's best loved songs, including: Червона рута (The Red Rue), Водограй (The Fountain), Запроси мене в сни (Invite Me Into Your Dreams), У долі своя весна (The Spring Of Fate), Відлуння твоїх кроків (The Echo Of Your Footsteps), Баляда про мальви (Ballad Of The Hollyhocks), Я - твоє крило (I Am Your Wing), Колискова (Lullaby), Запроси до танцю (Invite Me To Dance), А ти подумай ... (And You, Think Of This ...), Золотоволоска (Golden-HairedOne), Я піду в далекі гори (I Will Go To The Distant Hills), Нестримна течія (The Irrepressible Current), Пісня буде поміж нас (Your Song - A Reminiscence), and Баляда про дві скрипки (Ballad Of Two Violins). Lyrics are in Ukrainian, with transliterations and synopses in English. Piano/vocal/guitar arrangements by Oles Kuzyszyn.
$24.95 (songbook)

Ukrainian Estrada.
Ten favorite Ukrainian standards from the 60s, 70s and 80s. Lyrics are in Ukrainian with transliterations and synopses in English. Piano/vocal/guitar arrangements by Oles Kuzyszyn. Includes: Струмочок (The Brook), Гуцулочка (The Hutsul Girl), Тиша навкруги (Serenity), Кохана (Beloved), Ой чия ти, чия (To Whom Does Your Heart Belong?), Летіла лебідка у вирій (The Migrating Swan), Любисток (Herb Of Love), Я прийду по райдузі (I Will Come On The Rainbow), Клич мене (Call Me) and У саду за селом (In The Orchard Past The Village). 
$9.95 (songbook)

The Iskra Songs. Oles Kuzyszyn (b.1958).
Six songs written by Oles Kuzyszyn from the repertoire of the ISKRA band, which from 1977-1986 was one of the leading Ukrainian vocal/instrumental ensembles in North America. These songs appeared on the band's three recordings. Lyrics are in Ukrainian. Piano/vocal/guitar arrangements by Oles Kuzyszyn. Includes: Ти моя (You Are Mine), Сумерк (Dusk), Іскра (The Spark), Дай мені серце (Give Me Your Heart), Люди (People) and Вкраїно моя, чарівна (My Enchanting Ukraine). 
$9.95 (songbook) 

The Ukrainian National Anthem (Ще не вмерла Україна).
Text by Pavlo Chubynsky (1839-1884). Music by Mykhailo Verbytsky (1815-1870). 
Piano/vocal arrangement by Oles Kuzyszyn. 
$3.95 (sheet music)